Monday, March 24, 2014

Red In The Morning.

Yes, I rode to work today.

And . . .

Don't they say, "Red in the morning, sailors take warning"?

There was no big squall, but I did ride home during a light snow shower. The streets were fine. Fine, except for the short bit I found myself behind the liquid de-icer truck. The sign on the back of the truck said, "Stay Back 50 Feet." Believe me I was farther back than that!

I was surprised to see them treating the streets. It looks from the forecasts there isn't going to be much happening here. All the action is north and west of us tonight; and south and east of us tomorrow.

Riding when it's snowing does increase the number of stares and waves I get even when the temperatures are well above freezing.

The only place there was even a touch of slushy acclumulation was on my windscreen.

  • 28F/-2C and a lot of clouds for the ride Downtown.
  • 37F/3C with light snow for the home ride.


  1. Maybe they have a stockpile of de-icing liquid that they need to use up.

    1. Actually, they are complaining about how much the winter snow removal has cost and warning how planned road and street repairs won't being happening because of no money.

      The city may have gotten it right. There were problems on the State Hwy. I'm hearing the State didn't treat, but heaven knows one hears all sorts of things.

  2. My hat is off to you, another intrepid winter rider.

    1. Dar,
      I am really careful. I do my best not to get caught in a compromising situation on my commute. This night was no more dangerous than riding in rain, which as you know has its own risks.

  3. Hopefully none of that slushy accumulation was de-icer. I hate getting that crud off the bike.

    1. I've got the Symba covered with Boe-shield to protect it. It's a product developed by Boeing to protect their Seaplanes. So far, so good, but Mike really hates the stuff. I have a new product to try next season. We'll see.
