Monday, March 31, 2014

Lunch Walk

Yes, I rode to work today.

And . . .

I went for a walk at lunch.

Heaven knows I wasn't the only one out walking.

Lots of folks were out.

And, so were the workers.

It looked to me like these workers had exposed an old railway track.

And, of course, there were cakes.

  • 49F/9C and mostly cloudy for the ride Downtown.
  • 68F/20C, cloudy and breezy for the homeride.


  1. Nice cakes and the flower planting really screams "Summer" more than any anything else!

    1. Richard,
      It's definitely feeling more and more like winter is past. I'm not upset by these developments in the least!

  2. That photo of the worker planting pansies is enough to make me grab Jasper and get in my car right now. Get me a city job doing that and I'll be right down.

    1. I it were that easy I'd do it in a heartbeat. That worker isn't a City worker. He owns or works as a contractor to the building. I thought of you when I saw a woman pushing a wheel barrow of mulch to spread on the beds in Citygarden.

      Lots of activity today. Rains coming later in the week.

  3. People have thought of me in much worse ways, so I take that wheelbarrow comment as a compliment! Sigh. Do I need an even bigger city to find work?

    1. Yes, a compliment indeed. She looked happy to be doing what she was doing. There was a bounce in her step.

  4. So nice to get out for a walk sat lunch and to see the flowers being planted. Spring has sprung for sure.

    1. It was a nice walk. I plan to do more of this as the summer wears on. Time will tell.
