Wednesday, October 31, 2012

It Was Pretty Scary Looking

Yes, I rode to work today.

As I rode to work this morning the moon was in the eastern sky. When I got to the parking area it was hanging over the skywalk running from the Justice Center (read: Jail) to the Courthouse.

I thought I might be able to get down low and manage a photo of the moon over the bikes. Alas, I couldn't find an angle I was happy with. After I finished crawling around on my knees I noticed one of the guys who rides quite regularly standing outside one of the secured doorways. Still on my knees, I pointed up toward the moon and said, "I was trying to get a shot of the moon with the bikes I wouldn't want you to think I was worshiping my bike."

He responded, "And, would there be something wrong with that?"

Since it's Halloween, I'll leave you with a photo I posted earlier on Facebook. My cousin's wife said it was pretty scary looking.

  • 36F/2C with clear skies for the ride to work.
  • 56F/13C with a few clouds for the home ride.


  1. Hey I love that exchange between you and the other guy! No one in this county has a sense of humor like that. I hate it here.

    You do appear to be ready for battle...

    1. Those of us who ride most days have a camaraderie that is very nice. We have some fun with each other. I'm grateful for this.

      I guess this is my black knight look.

  2. Of course there's nothing wrong with worshiping your bike.

    You look like the warrior type rider in the picture. Pretty intimidating to a cager I assume.

    1. Sonja,
      It is rather difficult to be intimidating while riding the Symba, but I do get asked if I have another bike at home. When I ask them what kind they usually respond, "I don't know, something bigger." Oh well.
