Tuesday, October 21, 2014

More About Becoming A Native

Yes, I rode to work today.

And . . .

Again I made it Downtown before the sun made its appearance.

As I was parking Billie, Chieftain Rider came to get something out of his bike. He confirmed he had a couple of stops yesterday and had run late. Of course, I had to show him my new lights. He humored me. Why was I there earlier than normal he wanted to know. I mentioned the sun on the horizon. What was my route, he asked. When I told him he showed surprise I'd come the way I do. I pointed out how all the stop signs weren't a problem for me, rather they worked in my favor. They kept traffic speed down. I shared how I saw many of the same people nearly everyday and many now waved to me, and how I now knew some of them by name. "You're a damn ambassador!" he said, laughing. I understood what he meant, but, truthfully for me riding in the neighborhoods is more about becoming a native.

On the way home I found myself behind this Prius. I would have liked to have figured out a way to get in front of it so I could point out my 100 mpg sticker. Alas, the opportunity didn't present itself. Pity.

  • 48F/9C, fair and calm for the ride to work.
  • 66F/19C and fair with a slight breeze for the home ride.

Yep, it was beautiful day in the Heartland.


  1. A really nice first photo!

    Looks like you are just now turning some color. I hope your show of autumn is just as lovely as ours!

    1. I'm glad you liked the first photo. It is maybe my favorite stop sign view on my commute. Maybe sometime I'll do some photos from every one of my stop signs. I've been meaning to count how many I have, but every time I try I lose track.

      And, yes, we are just at the beginning of our color change here. We're hoping to get out and do some hiking this weekend. It has been ages. Too, busy.

  2. This made me smile. Stop signs can be a good thing, I agree.
