Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Had My Rain Gear On

Yes, I rode to work today.

Rode to work on wet pavement and rode home on wet pavement, but didn't ride in any rain. I had my rain gear on for both rides but the rain drops missed me. I guess you could say my rain gear worked just fine.

On rainy days I usually wait to take my helmet off until I'm in the building, but since it hadn't rained on me all the way in I took my helmet off in the parking area. I bet you can guess what happened. Yep, it started raining. Oh well, I didn't melt.
  • 62F/17C and overcast for the ride to work.
  • 60F/16C and overcast for the ride home.


  1. Keith, you got some stamina! Now that useless daylight saving time has come I have stopped scooting into work because it is the commuting in the dark, I cannot stand. Please be safe out there!

  2. Sonja: Commuting in the dark isn't my favorite thing to do. I share that with you. Still I ride. Do you think it is stamina? I've not thought of it as stamina. There are those who think I am just crazy.

    Thanks for commenting.
