Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Yes, I rode today.

I was dry on both the going and the coming home, but there were storms all around. We had a high of 82F/28C, but the temperatures are dropping. There are severe thunderstorms in the area. So, So I'm making this an abbreviated post. Actually, the sirens are just going off. 
  • 71F/22C and overcast for the ride to work.
  • 69F/21C and overcast for the home ride.


  1. Such warm temperatures. A shame they couldn't last.

    We had a high in the 60's yesterday so I walked the 3 miles to work in the morning and walked the 3 miles home after work. When it is sunny it is nice to take a walk instead of the bus.

    1. Sadly, warm temperatures this time of year usually means bad storms. I was grateful to miss out on the winds and the hail this storm produced.

      It won't be long and we'll be not only warm, but just plain hot. And, hot is its own sort of miserable.

      Good for you getting a walk in. I often walk at lunchtime. It is a blessing not many of my coworkers take advantage of.

  2. 82°F and raining! That sounds like pretty miserable weather for doing anything outside. We had cooler temperatures so I rode in this morning.

    1. It isn't the rain that gets you its the quarter size hail. I've often wondered how big the hail has to be for one to have to shelf a helmet after riding in it. I do know pea sized hail certainly makes a racket and stings, too.

  3. 60's....80' sure you folks aren't in that other hemisphere??

    We were blessed with freezing rain, snow and thunder. This has to end, right???

    1. I am sure winter will end even where you day...maybe. Then again maybe this is the beginning of the new ice age.
