Friday, August 29, 2014

A Leo Update.

Yes, I rode to work today.

And . . .

Even though I had early dismissal it wasn't early enough for me to help take Leo, our cat, to the Veterinarian. Leo has been dealing with an ear infection. He seemed to be getting better, and then yesterday not only did the turning of his head intensify, but he was definitely lethargic.

The good news is the ear infection is gone. More good news, Leo got got his ears flushed and a thorough going over. Of course, the bad news was he had to be anesthetized in order for that to happen. What then was causing these symptoms? Fleas. Our weather this year has been particularly good for fleas and ticks. We have a different type of drop to give Leo. Hopefully, this will work and bring an end to the story. It has been a long summer for poor Leo. As I write this he's hiding out under a dresser in the bedroom. With his reconstructed hips and nerve damage he is very wobbly. I wouldn't be surprised if he comes out during the night and tries to make it up on the bed. I, also, won't be surprised if he misses. By tomorrow I'm expecting he'll be very much better.

We have a lead on a Mobile Veterinarian. We are going to look very seriously at this as an option. We have a friend who uses this Doctor and swears by her. This might be an ideal solution for Leo. Stay tuned.

We are looking at a three day weekend. Every Labor Day weekend the Botanical Gardens hosts a Japanese Festival. Heather is involved with St. Louis Osuwa Taiko and will be performing with the Community Group and helping to sell tee-shirts during the Performance Group's shows. The weather forecast is calling for rain on the day she performs. She be sheltered. Me? I will pack my raingear.

  • 75F/24C and hazy for the ride to work.
  • 90F/32C with some clouds for the ride home.


  1. Poor Leo! I hope he's on the upswing!

    1. Dar,
      I hope so, too. In a couple of days we'll know for sure.

  2. Here's a toast to Leo's full recovery. It's touvh when pets face health challenges.

    1. David,
      It sure is. You can explain to a pet why you taking it to someone who is going to inflict pain on him. We all handle next visit much better. Hopefully it will be the last until his yearly checkup and shots.

  3. Poor Leo. I hope he is feeling better and less wobbly now. Funny how little fleas can make such an impact on kitties.

  4. We now use cedar oil on all of our animals with great result. No more fleas/ticks. I spray my clothes when I go bow hunting and do not have the mosquito problems. I do not sell it. Try Amazon.

    1. Thanks for the tip Darrell. I'm looking into it.

      And, thanks for speaking up. Welcome.
