Monday, October 3, 2011

Ottoman Underground and Mondays Make Me Happy

Yes, I rode to work today.

It was chilly in the morning, but mesh warm by afternoon.

It wasn't a ride direct home night. Instead I rode to Maplewood to hear my friends Will and Shlomo play at the Stone Spiral.

It was a beautiful night to be riding.

And for sitting outside.

The venue was inside, but Will practiced for a time outside. And yes, there is a stone spiral at The Stone Spiral.

This was the first time I'd been inside the Stone Spiral. It has a nice feel.

Andrew Bollinger shared his time with Will and Shlomo. He began the night with his rock opera based on the history of St. Louis and his hope for the future.

Yep, that's Goldilock's hair. She met me there.
Looks comfortable.

This was the only empty table in the room when Ottoman Underground (Shlomo and Will) began to play and I'm pleased to report only one person left before they were through.
It was great to hear them play again. It had been too long.

  • 41F/ and clear for the ride to work.
  • 78F/ and fair for the ride to The Stone Spiral
  • 61F/ and still fair for the ride home.
A great day all the way around.


  1. Are the fall colours coming through already?

    Nice venue, I like the touch of zen with the stone circle.

  2. Hi Sonja,
    Yes, the fall colors are beginning, but just. There are a few trees that have turned, but mostly they are "fixin' to get ready to".

    It was a nice venue. Will & Jeff may end up playing some gigs here. If so, we'll be back. If not? Maybe Goldilocks. She likes her cappuccinos.

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.
